How to Create the Perfect Brows - Ruby's Top Tips!

Brows are high on the make up list these days and it’s no surprise why! A perfectly groomed pair will frame your face, make you look younger and even let you get away with wearing less makeup. So, here’s some top tips for creating the perfect brow:
- Don’t Over pluck – Fuller eyebrows look great and the more natural they are, the better they frame and suit the face.
- Invest – If the hairs are slipping through its time to invest in a new set of tweezers.
- See a professional – If in doubt see a professional to perfect the initial shaping of your brows.
- Use a brow palette to help you create your perfect look.
- Pick the right brow colour – If you have light eyebrows go one shade darker, if you’re dark, one shade lighter. Colour is key!
As creating the perfect set of brows isn’t quite as easy as it looks we’ve found an essential tool for your make-up bag – The Picture Perfect Brow kit by Ruby Cosmetics.
With the innovative use of stencils, combined with colour combinations to suit your complexion, you can produce perfectly shaped, beautifully defined eyebrows every time.
The Picture Perfect Brow Kit contains 3 different stencils, so you can create a look for every occasion, from a thin, neat professional arch to a powerful wow factor shape.
The result looks like you've just spent hours in the beautician's chair, plus our high quality ingredients ensure you get long lasting applications that are waterproof, smudge proof and sweat proof.